Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Introducing the mixShop

Got some big news! DJ Colicky Boy fans who are not Premium Members can now buy individual mixes at, without even needing to register or log in.

Each DJ mix on the site will be available for individual sale at $1.99 each. You can buy individual mixes in one of two ways:

  • Go to each individual mix page and click the "Add to Cart" button if you want to buy it, or
  • Go to the mixShop page, which is sorted in alphabetical order, and click the "Add to Cart" button for each mix you want to buy.
When you're ready to check out, click the "Go to checkout" link in the pop-up message if you're on the mixShop page, or click the "Go to checkout" link in the new "Shopping Cart" section in the right sidebar. You'll need a PayPal account (if you don't have one, you can sign up for free in seconds) and you can pay with a credit card.

If you like most mixes, then a monthly membership will probably end up a better deal for you. But if you only want to get a few mixes but not all of them, this new pay-per-mix option is just for you.

Thanks to @paulbudding for the idea and for helping test this new option.

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